Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The men in my life...and Maddie!

Sweet Jeremy and Bear
Silly Nick, Tyler, and Toby
Me and my Maddie Paddie

The good Lord has only blessed Jeremy and I with 2 children of our own, but pictured above are my sister's precious children as well. Jennifer (my sister) has gifted our family with 2 amazing boys - Nick and Tyler, and the Oh SO talented Madelyn. The Hendrix family will not be attempting to add to our family of four, but when I watch Jennifer with her 3 children, I am overwhelmed with respect for women who take on 3 or more children of their own. What a gift! What a challenge! I start to sweat just thinking about it. My dear friend, Brittainy, whom I have known and loved for a good 20-something years now, just announced she is pregnant!!! Yeah! But, she already has twins and my mind panics with the thought. But, Brittiany never hesitates to load her car up with her twins, my Toby, Jen's 3 kids and her nephew to go to the store, to dance class, or to the Arburetum for goodness sakes!!! What a mad woman! She is amazing and I thank God for gifting women like Britt and Jen with the amazing talent of caring for their amazing children and doing it with excellence. My hat goes off to all of you mothers of many!!!!

Britt's twins, Kenna and Avery, with Toby


Jake said...

i stinkin love yalls family! Your kids and Jennifer's kids and me need to all hang out some time. I think it would be so crazy and so fun to watch them all! Sooo..yall go out and Ill watch the kids!

Unknown said...

Well hello friend...I just found your blog through Jake's and I just watned to say "congratulations" on Baby Bear - He's beautiful!

C:M:W said...

Uhhh. Just found your blog and I am so excited!!!! I can now keep up with your family and your beautiful children!!!!