Friday, June 26, 2009

Back from the dead...

Or so it feels. It's been ages since I blogged. I feel it necessary today though. I am newly aware of my drama-prone personality. In such fashion, I must declare that I am DEVASTATED at the recent loss! Was that dramatic enough for everyone? I recognize the kook that Michael Jackson is or was, but I can not properly portray what a huge part of my childhood was spent mimicking him. I could grab myself (to my mother's dismay), moonwalk, and spin and scream "hee hee" at quite a young age. :) My mom used to record any time he was on TV for me and I would spend hours rewinding and replaying my VHS tape to perfect each dance move. Thanks mom. I can't say why I had such a fascination with him, but man, I did and it made me truley sad to hear the news. My friends are all laughing reading this, and my husband and sister would truley gag, but I love you Michael. :) I do not know where he stood on believing in God. I know he stated in an interview with Oprah he did, but I shutter to think that he is gone now and was not welcomed into Heaven by my sweet mom.

Here's my favorite MJ song:

Michael Jackson - Man in the mirror
by dangerous_world_tour

You can picture me swaying back and forth in sheer delight while listening to this!

1 comment:

Janelle and Ella said...

After reading this, I'm really regretting telling you so flippantly "I think Michael Jackson is dying" as you exited the bathroom. If I only I knew your connection with him. :-) I kid... but I understand. I think our generation was the last to have this connection with him. It's a sad deal.